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Art Clay
Dala Arts & Craft Supplies
Spider Kit Art Product

Spider Kit Starter Set

parchment craft starter kit
1)About us



 - The sole agent of Art Clay product series.

- Director Morana Lee, B.A.(Hons.) CUHK, MBA CUHK, acquired as the very first certified instrutor of Art Clay World China.

-Awarded with Honable Mention of Art Clay World Contest and Innovative Entrepreneur from JCI




Scope of Services

1. Conduct traning course

2. Course co-organise with local big names

3. Mobile tailor-made workshop

4. VIP private party service

5. Provide privleged member benefits.

Certificate provided

Professional Certificate Course
Art Clay Silver,Art Clay Copper,Art Clay Gold,tools, etc.
  1. Art Clay World Instructor Certificate Course (course info) ACW Silver Overclay Certificate Course (course info)
  2. ACW Silver Overclay Certificate Course course info)
  3. New Mokume Gane Certificate Course (course info)
South Korea
Spider Kit Spider Art Product Design and Making Certificate Course (course info)
South Africa
Dala Visual Art Dala Visual Art Professional Certificate Course (course info)
Pergamano Pergamano Certificate Course
(course info)




Detailed inforamtions in .







Untitled Document

Art Clay Silver Clay Type 50g
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